Mother Tongue
Mother Tongue
Vision: Nurture our pupils to be confident users of MTL & be culturally savvy.
To provide a conducive environment for pupils to learn and use the language actively & confidently.
To inculcate the values in our pupils and nurture them to be gracious citizens.
Department Focus

MTL Programmes
P1 & P2 SOAR Programme

Reading brings forth a wide range of social and emotional benefits. The benefits are also associated with stronger intrinsic motivation, better academic outcomes and global competence. Additionally, cultivating positive reading habits will help our students build a strong MTL foundation and develop language proficiency.
MTL SOAR aims to instil students’ love for reading in MTL, to Spark interest, Open minds, Appreciate cultural roots, and Rise as a bilingual reader.
Starting from 2025, P1 and P2 students will have 30 minutes of their MTL curriculum time ringfenced for reading and library-related activities. As part of MTL SOAR, teachers would be using the small/supplementary readers that are developed as part of the new Primary MTL Curriculum.

Parents can support the child in his/her reading by:
Reading with the child
Taking the child to public libraries to borrow books
Participating in reading activities organised by NLB
Useful Parent Guides
1. Parents’ Guide for SOAR Programme(CL)
Parents' Guide for MTL Reading (CL) P1
Parents' Guide for MTL Reading (CL) P2A
2. Parents’ Guide for SOAR Programme(ML)
Parents’ Guide for MTL Reading(ML) P1 & P2
3. Parents’ Guide for SOAR Programme(TL)
Parents' Guide for MTL Reading (TL) P1 & P2
Chinese Department
Chinese Language Curriculum

Making Chinese Language a Living Language
No two students are alike. Today, as more Chinese students entering Primary 1 speak predominantly English at home, the Chinese Language curriculum must adapt itself to offer greater flexibility in its teaching and learning. Those who exhibit mastery can advance and those who need reinforcement can move forward when they are ready.
The CL curriculum makes CL learning an enjoyable experience and encourages children to learn the language to best of their ability. The school hopes to help your child develop an abiding interest in learning CL, so that he or she will continue to use it as a living language after they leave school.
Teaching Approach
The Chinese Department works towards making Chinese Language learning enjoyable through adopting the inquiry-based approach:
Pupils are encouraged to explore, ask questions, and share ideas which will foster their curiosity and ownership in learning. Pupils will also develop the critical thinking and communication skills through this form of active learning. Ultimately, we want our pupils to develop the love for exploration and learning.
Pupils will benefit from the teaching approach based on these guiding principles:

Chinese Language Programmes
1. Structured Reading Programme (SRP)
This is a P1-P5 school-based curriculum aimed at promoting the love for reading among the pupils. P1-5 pupils will read a total of 50-60 age-appropriate Readers throughout their years in the school. CL teachers will set aside time during curriculum to guide pupils in the reading and appreciation of stories. To promote the love for reading among our young learners at P1 & P2, the use of the e-reading portal (Dudutown) was implemented in 2022. The young learners are more motivated to read the e-books and watch the videos using the platform. Under the Reading Passport Programme, parents are also strongly encouraged to read together with their P1 & P2 children and complete the activities such as bookmark making and reflection log. Through all these activities, we hope to cultivate the love for reading among our pupils!
2. Cultural Performance Exposure Scheme (CPES)
As one of the initiatives by the Committee to promote Chinese Language Learning (CPCLL), the Cultural Performance Exposure Scheme (CPES) aims to expose pupils to Chinese Language related cultural performance to enhance their learning. Since 2006, our P2-P5 pupils have watched and appreciated drama performances in the theatres. The following are some of the performances that our pupils had watched over the years: The Three Billy Goat Gruff (三只山羊), Journey to the West (西游记之火焰山), Al (爱丽丝梦游仙境), Ugly Ducking(丑小鸭).
3. MTL Fortnight Learning Fest (CL) To create a conducive environment to promote MTL usage and learning outside classrooms, our school organizes Mother Tongue Language Fortnight Learning Fest annually. The MTL Fortnight activities provide platforms for students to actively learn MTL and the associated cultures so as to experience MTL as 'living languages'.
4.Cultural Appreciation Programme
Under our Cultural Appreciation Programme, pupils experience the different types of cultural workshops within their six years of education in school. The cultural workshops include activities such as, Chinese Painting, Dough Modelling, Paper Cutting, Making of Chinese Fan and Bamboo Book Making.
5. Cultural Camp
Every year, our P4 pupils attend the annual language & cultural day camp. A variety of language and cultural activities are organized to provide them with the opportunities to learn through play and build up their confidence in mastering the Chinese Language.
6. CL Games Day
During MTL Fortnight Learning Fest, all P1-P6 pupils will have the chance to learn on the move. They will work with their peers as they challenge themselves to complete the learning trail using the iPads. Language quizzes and games are set at the various learning stations to make learning fun and meaningful.
7. grOW Programme (Growth in Oracy and Word Recognition Programme)
With the realisation that word recognition and retention form an integral part of the learning of Chinese Language, we run a support programme for selected P2 pupils who require more support. Suitable teaching strategies will be adopted, and pupils will be revising the Chinese Characters learnt through games and pictorial flash cards.
8. Writing Workshop for Beginning Writers
Writing has always been challenging for our young writers. This in-house workshop provides the extra guidance in developing the essential writing skills in our P3 pupils.
9. LEAP Programme (Language Exploration and Appreciation Programme)
To cater to the learning needs of the higher progress pupils to enrich their learning experiences, a series of stretch programmes are curated and conducted for them: P3 & P4 Comic Creation, P4&P5 Young Journalist and P5 Literature Programme. The objectives of these programmes are as follows:
• Develop students who are creative writers.
• Develop students who are critical thinkers and confident speakers.
• Expose students to different text genres and develop their interest in literature.
10. ICT Enrichment Programme (CL)
To develop future ready digital learners with the skills to navigate, curate, and collaborate using technology, the following ICT programmes are conducted for the various levels:
Level |
Programme |
P1&2 |
Reading & Typing Learning Packages (SLS) |
P3 |
Creative Drawing & Writing |
P4 |
P4 Mooncake Design |
P5 |
Collaborative E-Oral Video Production |
11. Festival Celebrations
To nurture our pupils to be culturally savvy, the department will celebrate the various festivals (CNY, Hari Raya Puasa, Deepavali) every year. The Chinese department celebrates traditional festivals such as Chinese New Year and Mid-Autumn Festival. Through these celebrations, pupils will understand more about the festivals and learn to be appreciative towards other cultures which will bring about racial integration.
Malay Department
Malay Language Curriculum
The Malay language curriculum aims to develop pupils as proficient Malay language users who can communicate in a confident and effective way. The curriculum places greater emphasis on spoken and written interaction skills as well as focus on authentic activities to better develop the pupils’ communication skills. It also continues to expose pupils to culture and values through various activities.
There is a greater use of information and communication technology (ICT) to enhance the teaching and learning of ML. ICT resources such as videos, animations and digital interactive games are utilised to engage the pupils to learn ML in a fun and purposeful way.
Overview Diagram of Focus Area (Language Skills)

Malay Language Programmes
A variety of holistic programmes were planned to engage pupils in active learning through interactions, investigations, explanations and games. These programmes are essential towards achieving the vision of making every child an effective and confident user of Malay language who appreciates Malay culture.
1. Writing Programme
All Primary 3 to Primary 5 pupils are involved in structured writing lessons to enhance their writing skills and making them into creative writers. The lessons are exclusive to each level and are progressive in nature.
2. Oral Literacy Programme
All pupils are involved in structured oral lessons focusing on conversational skills. This is in line with the curriculum’s aim of developing pupils to be proficient Malay language users who can communicate in a confident and effective way.
3. Basic Literacy Programme
This programme aims to provide support to selected Primary 1 and Primary 2 pupils identified through the Malay language literacy and competency test. Pupils in this programme will undergo various activities that will enhance their literacy skills to improve the overall learning of the Malay language.
4. Culture Appreciation Workshops
All Primary 2 to Primary 5 pupils will learn 1 aspect of the Malay culture by participating in a cultural enrichment workshop. This activity aims to extend and enrich the pupils’ educational experience through cultural immersion.
5. Music and Movement Workshop
All Primary 1 pupils will participate in a Music and Movement workshop which will culminate in a performance showcase for parents during the MTL Fortnight period. This activity aims to build pupils’ confidence in using the Malay language.
6. Young Journalism Programme
All P4 Higher Malay language pupils and selected P5 pupils will be given the opportunity to discover the world of journalism; sourcing out interesting news, getting relevant and suitable information and reporting it. Once equipped with the necessary skills, these pupils will be tasked to cover school events or Malay language programmes.
7. MTL Fortnight Learning Fest (ML)
All Primary 1 to Primary 6 pupils will be involved in various cultural and language activities during the MTL Fortnight period in Term 3. Besides enhancing their language competency, these activities aim to instil in pupils a love of learning for the Malay language and promote appreciation of their culture.
Tamil Department
Tamil Language Curriculum
The Tamil language department aims to instil love, passion and confidence among Tamil pupils in using the Tamil Language. The department also focuses on spoken and written interaction skills among the pupils through various activities and pedagogies. It will continue to enthuse the pupils through various cultural exposure as well.
ICT infusion will further enhance teaching and learning. The use of SLS, IMTL and other various platforms will help engage pupils and develop student-centred learning. Touch-typing in Tamil is an essential skill for the pupils in the use of ICT in Tamil. The department also focuses to develop this skill among the pupils.
Tamil Language Programmes
Learning through fun is essential to sustain love, passion and confidence for Tamil. The department also places great emphasis on exposing pupils to various activities, games and competitions throughout the year.
1. Pongal Competitions
All pupils from Primary 1 to Primary 6 will participate in Pongal Competition in Term 1. This competition helps to enhance pupils’ understanding on Pongal and its significance. Pupils will learn the cultural aspects of Pongal during this competition.
2. Language Competitions
All Primary 1 to Primary 6 pupils will participate in language competitions in April which is in conjunction with the Tamil Language month. Every level will prepare to showcase their talent for the various competitions. This aims to develop pupils’ proficiency in the Tamil Language.
3. MTL Fortnight – Cultural Enrichment
MTL fortnight is a key annual event. All Primary 1 to Primary 6 pupils will be involved in various cultural and language activities during the MTL Fortnight period in Term 3. These activities will consist of various cultural and language activities where pupils are provided with an engaging environment to learn and appreciate Tamil.
4. P1 & P2 Drama Appreciation
All Primary 1 and Primary 2 pupils will participate in a Speech & Drama workshop where pupils will learn to use Tamil language confidently and effectively.

Mother Tongue Department E-Newsletters
Chinese Department E-Newsletter
Click here to view the Chinese Department's Newsletter and find out more about the key programmes conducted in 2024.
Click here to view the Chinese Department's Newsletter and find out more about the key programmes conducted in Semester 2 2023.
Click here to view the Chinese Department's Newsletter and find out more about the key programmes conducted in Semester 1 2023.
Click here to view the Chinese Department's Newsletter and find out more about the key programmes conducted in Semester 2 2022.
Click here to view the Chinese Department's Newsletter and find out more about the key programmes conducted in Semester 1 2022.
Malay Department E-Newsletter
Click here to view the Malay Department's Newsletter and find out more about the key programmes conducted in 2024.
Click here to view the Malay Department's Newsletter and find out more about the key programmes conducted in Semester 2 2023.
Click here to view the Malay Department's Newsletter and find out more about the key programmes conducted in Semester 1 2023.
Click here to view the Malay Department's Newsletter and find out more about the key programmes conducted in Semester 2 2022.
Click here to view the Malay Department's Newsletter and find out more about the key programmes conducted in Semester 1 2022.
Tamil Department E-Newsletter
Click here to view the Tamil Department's Newsletter and find out more about the key programmes conducted in 2024.
Click here to view the Tamil Department's Newsletter and find out more about the key programmes conducted in Semester 2 2023.
Click here to view the Tamil Department's Newsletter and find out more about the key programmes conducted in Semester 1 2023.
Click here to view the Tamil Department's Newsletter and find out more about the key programmes conducted in Semester 2 2022.
Click here to view the Tamil Department's Newsletter and find out more about the key programmes conducted in Semester 1 2022.
Mother Tongue Department Blog
Click here to visit our Chinese Department Blog to view the latest updates and pupils' works.