School Rules
School Rules
Students pledge. Students will take the National Pledge with the right fist placed over the heart.
Students should be at the assembly venue in school by 7.45 a.m. (Mon – Thu) or 7.30 a.m. (Fri) and they may only leave school after being dismissed from the last lesson/activity for the day.
During school hours, no student is allowed to leave the class or school without permission. Students must be accompanied by their parents or guardians if they need to leave before dismissal time.
All students are not allowed to have in their possession any weapon. They are also not allowed to bring any weapon-like item which can be used or intended to be used to cause harm to others.
Male students must be neat in appearance, clean shaven and no facial hair is allowed.
No modification to the school uniform is allowed.
Students are not allowed to wear any form of jewellery nor any fancy watches. Girls are allowed to wear plain ear studs (no wider than 5 mm in diameter) which are black, silver or gold in colour.
Students are not allowed to sell any items, charge for services or lend money to any other students. Students who need to borrow money should approach their form teacher.
Students are encouraged to speak English at all times except during Mother Tongue lessons.
Students should be in PE attire for Physical Education (PE) lessons. They are allowed to come to school in their PE attire only on days when they have PE lessons or on days when there are level-wide scheduled physical activities. On other days, students are expected to be in their school uniform.
Students should practise the 3 Rs – Reuse, Reduce and Recycle to help save our environment.
Students must abide by procedures detailed by the school. The procedures help the school to maintain a safe and conducive environment for learning and growing to take place.
Students must abide by the rules and regulations detailed under Proper Attire and Behaviour in their student handbook.
Proper Attire
Uniform |
Appearance |
For boys:
For girls:
Accessories |
Shoes and Socks |
Items Not to be Brought to School
Electronic devices such as tablets or video game consoles.
Large amounts of money or expensive items.
Chewing gum
Sharp / dangerous objects
Toys, card games or any other items that may disrupt the learning process
Mobile Phones and Smartwatches
Students are strongly discouraged from bringing their mobile phone or wearing smartwatches to school.
If there is a real need to do so, the mobile phone MUST be switched off and kept in the bag during curriculum hours.
Mobile phones should be used only for contacting parents. Students are not allowed to use their mobile phones for other purposes (e.g. playing games, listening to music, etc.), even while waiting for their parents to pick them up.
Smartwatches should be used only for telling time or contacting parents. Students are not allowed to use their smartwatches for other purposes.
When contacting parents, students can use their mobile phones or smartwatches only at the area outside the dental clinic.
Mobile phones and smartwatches are not allowed in examination venues. These devices MUST be kept in the bag during examinations.
Students need to take responsibility for their personal belongings. The school will not be responsible for any damage to or loss of mobile phones or smartwatches.
Mobile phones and smartwatches, if used inappropriately, will be confiscated and returned only to the parents.
Morning Reporting Time
Morning activities are planned for students from 7.30 a.m. to 7.45 a.m. They include fitness activities, prize-giving, presentations, briefings, and attire checks, to name a few. As such, students are expected to be at the assembly venue from 7.30 a.m. every morning.
Should a student need to eat his / her breakfast in school, they may do so before 7.25 a.m.. If a student reaches school after 7.25 a.m. (Mon – Thu), they may still buy their breakfast from the School Canteen to be packed and consumed during Snack Time and should promptly make their way to the assembly venue after buying their food.
All students are required to be present when the National Anthem is sung and the National Pledge is taken. As such, students will not be allowed to buy food from 7.40 a.m. (Mon – Thu) or 7.25 a.m. (Fri). All students should also be in school no later than 7.40 a.m. (Mon – Thu) or 7.25 a.m. (Fri) in order to reach the assembly venue by 7.45 a.m. (Mon – Thu) or 7.30 a.m. (Fri).
Parents should remind their children about the importance of punctuality and assist in planning his / her travel time to take into consideration possible delays such as traffic jams. Students will receive warning letters if they are persistently late after several reminders are given.
Illness and Absence from School
Students must attend school regularly and punctually so as not to miss any lesson and be at a disadvantage. However, if a student is ill or has a flu / fever / contagious or infectious disease, please inform the form teachers and do not send him / her to school. Any absence from school must be covered by a doctor’s medical certificate (MC) or letter* from the parent / guardian. Parents may submit MCs and letters either in hardcopy or through sending a message / photograph to the student’s form teacher. When a student falls ill while in school, only the parent / guardian will be allowed to take him / her home.
On the day of a student’s absence, the form teacher will contact the parent to check on the student. If a student is absent frequently, the form teacher or other school personnel may conduct a home visit. Should there be no improvement in the student’s attendance, his / her parents will be requested to meet the principal for a discussion.
Absence from school without a valid reason is a school offence. Non-valid reasons include oversleeping and willful absence from school. Travelling during term time is generally not considered a valid reason for absence. Parents who wish to take their child overseas for vacation and / or to attend to personal matters should do so during the school holidays. Should there be any urgent need to travel, parents are requested to apply via the following link:
*The number of letters accepted will be limited to 5 per semester, and each letter should cover no more than a maximum of 3 days. If a student exceeds the accepted number of letters per semester, subsequent absences will be taken as invalid absences, which will affect his / her conduct grade.
Policy On The Use Of The Internet
Corporation Primary School is well equipped with devices such as computers and iPads in the computer laboratories. Devices are used as a tool in teaching and learning with the aim to facilitate learning through the use of information technology.
The Internet is an extremely rich resource both for learning and for interaction. We encourage students to make effective use of the rich information and resources available on the Internet both for study and for interaction. We also encourage students to develop the appropriate skills and understanding that will enable them to use these resources well and safely, as well as the ability to analyse and evaluate the resources they find. These new media literacy skills will be fundamental in the society our students will be entering.
Children using the school’s computing facilities will be expected to comply with the following rules. Failure to abide by the rules may result in a temporary or permanent ban on the student’s use of the facilities.
I will play games during lessons only if instructed by my teacher for teaching and learning purposes.
I will surf the Internet during lessons only under my teacher’s guidance.
I will keep my password a secret and will not share it with anyone.
I will not share my personal information (e.g., address, phone number, pictures) with anyone online.
I will obey the terms of use for social media platforms (e.g. WhatsApp, Instagram, TikTok require users to be at least 13 years old) and will not create accounts if I am underaged.
I will check the reliability and accuracy of the information I access online and recognise that some websites may contain incorrect or misleading content.
I will only download, copy, or share videos, music, pictures, or other people’s work with their permission.
I will immediately report any online encounters with strangers to a trusted adult.
I will stay respectful and will not harm, bully, or say unkind words to others online or offline.
I will only take or post pictures or videos of others with their permission.
The school has built and maintained this website on the world wide web and pages on various social media platforms. Students whose work or images appear on these platforms will be identified only by their first names. Should any parent or guardian particularly wish their child’s / ward’s name or photograph not to appear on these platforms or school publications, they may email the school principal to make that request.