Corporation Primary School aligns itself closely to the revised Science Curriculum Framework, as shown below, to provide students with strong fundamentals in Science for life, learning, citizenry and work.
Our vision for Science education, manifested through the three `Insβ, encapsulates the overall experience of our students in Science education:
a. Inspired by Science. Students enjoy learning Science, and are fascinated by how everyday phenomena have scientific connections and how Science helps solve many of our global challenges. They regard Science as relevant and meaningful, and appreciate how Science and Technology have transformed the world and improved our lives. Students are open to the possibility of pursuing Science-related careers to serve the good of society.
b. Inquire like Scientists. Students have strong fundamentals in Science, and possess the spirit of scientific inquiry. They are able to engage confidently in the Practices of Science, grounded in the knowledge, issues and questions that relate to the roles played by Science in daily life, society and the environment. They can discern, weigh alternatives and evaluate claims and ideas critically, based on logical scientific evidence and arguments, and yet are able to suspend judgement where there is lack of evidence.
c. Innovate using Science. Students apply Science to generate creative solutions to solve real-world problems, ranging from those affecting everyday lives to complex problems affecting humanity. It is envisaged that there will be a strong pipeline of students who can contribute towards STEM research, innovation and enterprise.
TIER 1: For all pupils - Developing Interest and Competency in Science
Lower Primary Infusion (P1 & P2)
Pupils are innately curious about the world around them. And though they may not realise it, they are applying Science concepts every day. So although Science is not formally a subject taught at Primary 1 & 2, there are ample opportunities to infuse Science in their lessons and to develop their interests in Science. For instance, to bring their learning to life, pupils had hands-on activities with Magnets after reading a Stellar Text on Magnetic Max.
Experimental Investigation and Scientific Inquiry (P3 to P6)
To strengthen understanding of scientific concepts, pupils have opportunities to conduct hands-on activities as part of experimental investigation and scientific inquiry. This is necessary for them to be able to design fair and reliable tests underpinned by a solid grasp of key process skills such as determining changed/constant/measured variables, identifying aim of experiment, forming hypothesis and stating conclusion.
TIER 2: For selected pupils β Developing Science Talents and STEM Champions
Excellence 2000 (E2K) Science Programme (launched in 2021)
E2K Science Programme Singapore is a Science enrichment programme for Primary 5 pupils who demonstrate interest and ability in Science.
Only teachers who have been trained in the E2K pedagogy run E2K Science Programme that engages pupils in scientific investigations involving advanced science concepts. It aims to engage pupils in scientific inquiry that will help them to develop the habits, attitudes and dispositions scientists possess as well as to gain important 21st century competencies such as critical and inventive thinking and effective communication skills.
External Science Competitions & Programmes
Pupils who display the aptitude, commitment, talent and excellence are selected by the school to participate in external Science Competitions and programmes organized by other schools. Eg. Da Vinci Junior & Mcurie Programme by NUS High and Abbott Young Scientist Awards by Science Centre Singapore. The school also provides support if the pupil decides to take part in other related Science competitions such as Singapore Science Buskers (organized by Science Centre Singapore).
Urban STEM Champions
Urban STEM Champions Programme aims to provide selected P4 students, as identified through a rigorous process, with the opportunity to make connections across subject disciplines to solve authentic problems relating to environmental sustainability. With this avenue provided, students work collaboratively to build, programme, code with logical and analytical skills and present their own prototypes while learning key aspects of STEM β Science, Technology, Engineering and Math. With the various hands-on experimentation using STEM kits, students will be able to explore environmental sustainability issues with greater depth and have more outreach to school and community.
Supporting Teaching & Learning
2 Science Labs
2 Vertical Farming Systems
1 Solar-powered Hydroponics System
1 Aquaponics System
Gardens β Pond, Rooftop Garden, Butterfly Garden, Fernery