2024 in summary
Mathematics in CPS
Vision: Nurturing confident and curious students who are independent and creative problem-solvers
Mission: To nurture future-ready students by developing their mastery in Mathematics through joy of learning
MOE Mathematics Framework

The Mathematics Framework has been the cornerstone of the Mathematics Curriculum. It involves the acquisition and application of Mathematics concepts and skills in a wide range of situations including non-routine, open-ended and real-world problems. The development of mathematical-problem-solving ability is dependent on five inter-related components, which are namely Concepts, Skills, Processes, Attitudes and Metacognition.
In Corporation Primary School, we seek to develop the five components in each of our students through our school-based curriculum. We want to engage our students with learning experiences, which promote authenticity and connect to real-life applications to stimulate the interest in their learning.
Our Key Highlights
1. Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract Approach (CPA) (P1 - P6)

Our school adopts the Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract (C-P-A) approach which
is a system of learning that uses physical and visual aids to build a child’s
mathematical understanding of abstract topic. During the early stages of
learning a new mathematical concept and/or process, students use various
manipulatives and visual aids to strengthen and build their mastery of
learning of abstract topics.
2. Collaborative Inquiry Based Learning (P1 - P6)

The department has been incorporating an inquiry-based learning package on a termly basis for the learning of Mathematics in the classroom since 2021. During this session, teachers present scenarios/ problems to students and engage students in a discussion. The teacher guides the students by asking scaffolded and in-depth questions and get them to present their thought processes collaboratively. While focusing on critical thinking skills, the students are also encouraged to voice their different solutions and views on the problems. These lessons will also help students deepen their concepts in selected topics and thus aid them in problem solving.
3. Math Journaling

Mathematics Journal assists in assessing students’ thinking and promotes communication skills. It consolidates learning and allows students to reflect on the learning in the classroom. Journals can mainly be investigative, affective and procedural in nature.
4. Infusion of Mathematics in Authentic Real-Life Context
Level Engagement Tasks (LET)
As part of our efforts to provide students the opportunity to experience authentic learning tasks and to promote the joy of learning, Level Engagement Tasks are done at every level. The tasks allow students to develop a strong conceptual understanding in Mathematics as they experience the application of Mathematics in real-life contexts. In addition, the tasks are designed to stretch students’ adaptive thinking and critical thinking as they look for various solutions to solve the tasks.
P2 LET on Mass

P3 LET on Bar Graphs

P4 LET on Area and Perimeter

P5 LET on Volume, Percentage and Measurement

P6 LET on Percentage

P1 Shopping Trip to JEM Fairprice
In collaboration with other departments like English, Mother Tongue and Social Studies, the P1 students went for a shopping trip to Jem Fairprice. This experience provided students an opportunity to apply the concept of money in a real-world context and at the same time developed financial literacy and fostered their collaborative skills. Following the shopping activity, the students hosted a mini class party to celebrate their efforts.

P5 Open-Ended Task - Making of a Mathematics Game

In line with the topic on Whole Numbers and Four Operations, the P5 students were tasked to design their own mathematics games. They needed to apply the concepts of what they have learnt about whole numbers and the four operations in their game rules. Groups were given time to play with one another’s games during Mathematics lessons. Selected games were also displayed during lunch time for students of other levels to play with.
5. Heuristics Skills (P1 - P6)
Heuristics are problem solving strategies that students can adopt to solve routine and non-routine word problems. Students from all levels are taught a set of heuristic skills during their Mathematics lessons. They will also be exposed to a variety of problems that allow them to apply the heuristics.
6. ICT – based Lesson (P1 - P6)

We aim to nurture confident and curious students who are independent and creative problem solvers. Students are given the opportunity to experience ICT in classroom lessons, taking ownership of their own learning. Teachers use various platforms to engage them in the learning of Mathematics such as Geogebra, Koobits and Student Learning Space (SLS), For Student Learning Space (SLS), Mathematics teachers work together regularly to craft out different lessons for the students. Teachers assign these SLS lessons as homework or use them in class to complement the face-to-face lessons concurrently.
Our students are also encouraged to engage in independent learning at home via KooBits, an online Mathematics platform. Students can learn at their own pace by trying out various Mathematics questions and word problems. Teachers also use the Quiz function to assess students’ learning. Besides solving Mathematics questions, the portal also provides interesting Mathematics stories and games to motivate students and make Mathematics learning more fun and enjoyable.
7. Supporting Programmes:
Learning Support for Mathematics (LSM - P1 to P4)
Selected students are supported through the LSM Programme to deepen their understanding of Mathematics. This programme comprises customised, well-paced lessons that will support the students in the learning of Mathematics in a small group setting.
ICAN Mathematics (Improving Confidence and Achievement in Numeracy)
The MOE ICAN Mathematics learning aims to improve the students’ confidence level in numeracy. This programme is for selected classes, and it provides students a systematic approach to learning Mathematics.
8. Stretch Programme
E2K Mathematics
P4 to P6 students who display an aptitude and potential for Mathematics are invited to participate in the E2K Mathematics Programme. This programme aims to develop and stretch higher-order thinking skills through a range of problem-solving problems. solving non-routine problems based on different mathematical topics that require students to exercise their critical and logical thinking skills.
Supporting students to participate in various Mathematics competitions
Selected students are also given the opportunity to participate in the following competitions to apply their knowledge and skills to stretch their mathematical thinking skills through solving routine and non-routine problems based on different mathematical topics that require them to exercise their critical and logical thinking skills.
Hwa Chong Institution (SMOPS)
Raffles Institution (RIPMWC)
River Valley Mathematics Challenge (RVMC)
Annual Mathlympics
NUS High Math Challenge

9. Mathematics Week (T2W9 to T2W10)
Our inaugural Mathematics Week took place in Term 2 Week 9 and 10 in 2024. Through the various school wide activities planned, the department aims to instill lifelong learning of Mathematics in our students. Students participated in assembly programmes – Saving Smart by POSB, Cashless Payment, Math Magic Show, and lunch activities where games were created in-house by our very own P5 students. Students experienced the joy of learning Mathematics beyond the syllabus and were empowered to engage in self-directed learning. Stay tuned for the exciting activities coming up in our 2nd Mathematics Week!

10. Mathematics is Fun Activities 2025
This year, the department continued with our Mathematics is Fun activities. A plethora of activities will be designed throughout the year to infuse the joy of learning Mathematics in our students. We hope the students will find learning Mathematics enjoyable through these activities.
a) Pre-assembly Math Trivia Sharing
During pre-assembly, students are treated to a wide variety of Math Trivia. Our in-house math magician, Mr Wesley Tan, has performed various Math magic to reinforce different mathematics concepts like fractions.

The team of teachers also shared about π (pi) in lined with the first ever CPS π (pi) challenge that falls on 14 March 2025 this year. These sharings are planned to motivate our students in learning Mathematics and for students to see the relevance of Math in their daily lives.

b) Lunch Activities
Financial Literacy in lined with Total Defence Day
The teachers also engage students in purposeful play during their lunches as a way to increase their motivation in learning Mathematics.

To kick start the first lunch activity of the year, the department collaborated with the Total Defence Day team and came up with a series of fun and engaging Mathematics games for the different levels to educate our students about financial literacy.
Lower primary students learnt to count and add money. Middle primary students learnt to decide what was considered a 'want' and what is a 'need'. Upper primary students learnt to make financial decision-making by comparing various price options and understanding concepts like value for money.

π (Pi) Day Challenge – 14 March 2025 (3.14)
During the π (pi) challenge, students are challenged to remember as many digits of π (pi) as they can. In the lead up to the competition day, students have the opportunities to practice during their lunches and win small tokens along the way. Stay tuned to find out who will win our first ever CPS π (Pi) Day Championship!

Click on the image below to view our CPS π (Pi) challenge video!
11. Enrichment Programmes
To make learning of Mathematics more meaningful for our students, the department also worked with different vendors to conduct various mathematical workshops, infusing the topics that the students have learned into various hands-on activities for the students to apply their conceptual understanding.
P5 – Spatial Visualisation Workshop
Students applied their knowledge of fractions and came together to build a rocket launcher.

P6 – Math Learning Day
Students applied their knowledge of mathematical concepts like volume and fractions to solve various mathematics tasks.

How can you support your child in the learning of Mathematics?
Work on their factual fluency (eg. Times table, division etc)
Daily exposure to Mathematics word problems (Practice 5 questions per day) and variety of questions
Encourage your child to complete his/her Mathematics homework diligently
Link learning Mathematics to real-life experiences at home (eg. discount coupons, newspapers, advertisements etc)
Monitor your child’s learning process at home
Use Koobits for self-study
Revise topics from previous years (Mathematics is spiral in nature and therefore there is a need to have a strong foundation.)
Discuss with your child’s Mathematics teacher on your child’s progress
Encourage your child to have a Growth Mindset (e.g Asking for help is never something to be afraid of, The Power of Yet, Overcoming the fear of failure)
Celebrate little success! Praise your child for their effort and small improvements in their learning.
For Parents’ Reference
MOE Mathematics syllabus:
2013 Mathematics Syllabus (For 2025 Primary 6 Students only):
2021 Mathematics Syllabus (For 2025 Primary 1 to 5 Students), Implementation starting from 2021 Primary 1 Cohort:
SEAB List of Approved Calculators for PSLE: