Character and Citizenship Education
1) CCE Goals & Curriculum Frame
We aim to develop in our students:
a) Good Character: Have a sound moral compass and a strong sense of right and wrong, think critically and ethically, be discerning in judgement, take responsibility for choices and actions, be caring towards others and strive for excellence.
b) Resilience and Social-Emotional Well-Being: Have a balanced sense of self, form healthy relationships, be resilient when faced with challenges, find meaning in life, and have a sense of gratitude and appreciation.
c) Future Readiness: Have a sense of purpose in life, develop the dispositions of adaptability and lifelong learning so as to be able to navigate education and career pathways purposefully and take on the challenges of the future, including the world of work and life.
d) Active Citizenship: Develop a strong national identity based on a sense of belonging to the nation, a sense of hope in themselves and the future, an awareness of the reality of Singapore’s vulnerabilities and constraints, and the will to act on improving the lives of others, and building a future for our nation.
Curriculum Frame

2) Desired Behaviour of a CPS student
At the end of six years, every CPS student shall be a RICHER student:

3) CCE in the Classroom:

CCE lessons in school comprise CCE (Form Teacher Guidance Period), or CCE (FTGP), CCE (Mother Tongue Language), or CCE (MTL), and Programme for Active Learning (PAL) at lower primary.
The Social Studies (SS) curriculum complements the CCE curriculum in nurturing citizenship dispositions. During SS lessons, students learn and understand what it means to be a citizen of a country and the world.
4) Our CCE Programmes:
CCE Ambassadors are selected in each Primary 1 to Primary 6 class. They are chosen based on good character and can be a positive role model to their classmates and schoolmates. CCE Ambassadors are responsible for managing the Appreciation Corner in their classes, where they lead the effort to write gratitude notes to one another and inspire their classmates to do the same. They also organise and take charge of monthly birthday celebrations within their classes.
The P4 to P6 CCE Ambassadors may be tasked to support the 4 National Education events by promoting awareness and engagement within their classes, as well as assisting teachers with the implementation of activities during recess. They also play a role in advocating the school values through assembly programmes. Additionally, the P4 to P6 CCE Ambassadors guide the younger P1 to P3 CCE Ambassadors in fulfilling their responsibilities.
In The Know is a monthly sharing during pre-assembly on newspaper articles related to our RICHER values and contemporary issues. Interesting occupations that are relevant in the 21st century are also shared to allow our students to explore different career paths and gain insights on possibilities in their education pathways. This programme aims to spark the students’ curiosity and develop them to be self-directed lifelong learners.
Values-based Lessons conducted during Form Teacher (FT) Time aim to teach our P1 to P3 students the school’s RICHER values explicitly. The RICHER values are taught through stories which help our students to understand ways to demonstrate the values. P1 values-based lessons focus on understanding of the values and sharing of personal experiences while P2 and P3 values-based lessons focus on commitment of students to display the values through their actions.
Values Inculcation Programme (VIP) aims to encourage our students to display the RICHER values through their words and deeds. For our P1 and P2 students, stickers are awarded when they are seen doing good deeds out of their own initiative. Students who obtain milestones of 10, 40, 80 or 100 stars will receive a token and/or a certificate of commendation.
VIP Champion Class certificates are awarded to one P1 and P2 class on a termly basis to recognise students who have obtained the most number of stickers received as a class. VIP Moments certificates are also awarded to P1 to P6 students who display commendable or extraordinary actions that show good values. These certificates are presented during pre-assembly.
RICHER Award aims to recognise our P1 to P6 students who demonstrate our RICHER values consistently through their actions and deeds. It is awarded at the end of Semester 1 and 2 to a student from each P1 to P6 class and awardees will receive a certificate and a badge. The good deeds demonstrated by the awardees are also conveyed to the school as good examples for other students to learn the various ways in demonstrating the school’s RICHER values.
CPS creates National Education experiences through the 4 commemorative events – Total Defence Day, International Friendship Day, Racial Harmony Day and National Day. These 4 commemorative events mark important points in Singapore’s history. A variety of activities are planned for these 4 events, including assembly programmes and activity booths during lunch periods.
Education and Career Guidance (ECG) is one of the six curriculum content areas in CCE.
The goals of ECG are to support students in:
a) Discovering Purpose – Who am I?: Nurture students’ self-awareness to support them in discovering how they can meaningfully play a part in their community.
b) Exploring Opportunities – Where do I want to go?: Develop students’ self-directedness and confidence to explore and leverage education and career opportunities while respecting the value of all occupations.
c) Staying Relevant – How do I get there?: Build students’ adaptability and resilience to embrace the need for lifelong learning.
The P6 ECG Aspiration Programme is an annual programme for P6 students as part of their post-PSLE activities. Students across classes are grouped based on their preferences from a selection of industries. Throughout the programme, they participate in industry-specific activities and attend informative talks by teachers and alumni, which offer insights on the various fields. Students then apply their learning and showcase their work during the P6 Graduation Day.
The P6 students also participate in the annual Secondary Road Show to learn about the programmes offered by secondary schools in the west. Prior to the event, during FTGP lessons, students use the MySkillsFuture student portal to explore potential education pathways. They also carefully consider various factors, such as the CCAs and special programmes available at different schools, enabling them to make informed decisions when selecting a secondary school.
Values in Action (VIA) is a learning experience in Character and Citizenship Education (CCE) that enhances students’ development as socially responsible citizens through ownership of their contributions to the community. In Corporation Primary School, students are given an opportunity to choose and have a voice in what they believe will make a difference in the community. This is in line with our school’s philosophy that CPS students can contribute to the society in his/her individual capacity. Through VIA, students will be able to exercise social responsibility in their spheres of influence and play their part through meaningful contribution to the community.
Values in Action Lessons in CCE (FTGP):
Playing an Active Role in my Community for Upper Primary students:
P6 Service Learning at All Saints Home (Jurong East)
P5 Service Learning and Activities with St Joseph’s Home